Making Choices


Making Choices Mentorship

Restoring Connections has not been spared from the many changes taking place in our society. It is with considerable regret that we announce the closure of the Making Choices decision-making skills program.  The pandemic has faced us with financial challenges and prompted us to take a discerning look at what it is realistically possible for us to offer to the community. 

When we started Making Choices in 1999, there were virtually no programs being offered for the women in Denver Women’s Correctional Facility.  Now there are other organizations offering strong programs focused on decision-making skills. We support and applaud their efforts.  We are called to refocus our energies on the needs during incarceration and re-entry that are unaddressed.

We celebrate the effective work carried out by our many Making Choices volunteers over the years.  We mentored over 750 women and are proud of the hard work our graduates did.  Ninety-two percent of Making Choices graduates have successfully returned to the community.